Student Supports

If you are in immediate danger or have an emergency call 911.

There Are Many People That Will Listen And Help!

If something is going on in your life and you need someone to talk to, consider talking with your teacher, administrator, counsellor, trusted adult, family members or friends. If you would like to speak with someone else consider the Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868 and online at

If You Are Being Bullied

Talk with your teacher, administrator, counsellor, trusted adult, family or friends. You can also report bullying online in British Columbia through the Erase Bullying website.

Online Resources


SOGI 1 2 3 Parent and Educator Resources were created in collaboration with BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) and the BC Ministry of Education to answer questions about what SOGI-inclusive education looks like in Canadian schools.
Parents link –
BC Educators link –