Daniel Vecchio, Principal of North Peace Secondary School, lead a workshop today with dozens of students on the Prevention of Violence Against Women. Mr Vecchio has organized the well known “My Strength is Not for Hurting”
District News
Northern Health expands H1N1 vaccine to more groups
Please see this article from Energeticcity.ca
http://www.energeticcity.ca/fortstjohn/news/11/12/09/northern-health-expands-h1n1-vaccine-more-groupsAboriginal Enhancement Agreement Celebration
School District 60 and our partners will be celebrating our new Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement on November 26th, from 6pm-9pm at the Dr. Kearney Gymnasium. The event is free,
H1N1 Clinics
To avoid any confusion SD60 will no longer be providing dates and times on our site due to the quickly changing nature of the information.
Please refer to Northern Health’s site at
For Fort St John,BUSING ALERT – OCT 30th Buses Leaving Schools at 1pm
On the advice of YRB, Due to poor road and weather conditions, School District 60 buses will be mustered immediately and will be leaving schools at 1pm today.
H1N1 Updates on Twitter for FSJ
You can follow H1N1 Vaccination Updates on Twitter from Dr. Mackey (@fsjmed) at http://twitter.com/fsjmed
H1N1 Clinics in Fort St John and Region
Other Regional Dates are available at http://www.northernhealth.ca/Your_Health/Programs/Influenza_Information/INFLUENZACommunityClinicsListing.asp
Fort St John Clinic Dates Taken from http://www.northernhealth.ca/Your_Health/Programs/Influenza_Information/INFLUENZAFortSt.Johnclinics.asp
For more information call 8-1-1 or 250-263-6000Provincial H1N1 website
The H1NI influenza is generally considered to be mild or moderate in severity. It is characterized by a sudden onset, muscle aches, fever and a cough.
Oct 19 – Network Service Outage – Solved
Update: If you are continuing to have any problems, please restart your computer. If problems persist, please phone the helpdesk at 250-263-6442
Several services from the School Board Office may be down this morning due to an internet outage.Influenza Update for Staff ~ October 9, 2009
The following letter is from Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. David Bowering.
Re: Pandemic Influenza
The second phase of Pandemic Influenza is in our communities and we expect that it is likely to result
in a large number of ill students and staff in your schools.