The Dr. Kearney Musical Theatre group’s production this year is William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Show Times:
Student Matinees – January 12, 13,
District News
International Education Website
Have a look at our new School District 60: International Education website at
And if you are on facebook and twitter you can find more information and a photo album as well.Northern Health: Kindergarten Screening and Immunization Clinic
Northern Health is holding a Kindergarten Screening and Immunization Clinic February 7th-11th, 2011.
See the letter below for more information.
K Screening Clinic FSJ 2011 Parent LetterBoard Office Hours
The School District 60 Board Office will be closed starting December 20th, 2010 until Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 at 8am for the Christmas break.
Starting in 2011 our public hours will be 8am –Early Learning on Twitter
The Early Learning website posts are now being copied over to their twitter account at If you’d like 140 characters (or less) updates about Early Learning opportunities in and around the North Peace please follow us there!
Recycling at Alwin Holland
All of our schools have recycling of paper, cardboard and returnable bottles and tetrapacks. Some schools and classrooms are participating with full recycling and litterless lunches where community members are encouraged to only use reusable packaging for their lunches.
Into the Woods
Join North Peace Secondary School performers Tonight, December 10th or Saturday, December 11th at 7pm at the North Peace Cultural Centre for and exciting fairy tale mashup called “Into the Woods”!
Alwin Holland Concert Announcement
Local Radio stations aren’t the only ones to share concert announcements early on Monday mornings!
Alwin Holland Elementary is holding their “Peace on Earth”Baldonnel Art Gala Tonight
Baldonnel students are getting ready for their Art Show and Gala tonight at Baldonnel School. Students were organized in to multi-age house team groups and rotated through 8 centers.
Peace River North on Facebook
You can find our Facebook fan page at Feel free to “Like” or join us there for updates via Facebook.
We currently have news feeding to Facebook from the PRN main website and the Early Learning website.