We’ve had several calls inquiring about school on Monday the 23rd. School is in session as per normal on Monday!
Friday the 20th is the first Non-Instructional day of the year and school will not be in session for students.
District News
Discipline with Dignity – Parent Presentation
School District 60 is hosting a presentation on behaviour management with author Dr. Allen Mendler.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Dr. Kearney Middle School Library
6:30pm –NBCDES Open House – September 5th
On Thursday, September 5th the Northern BC Distance Education School is hosting an open house from 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Come check out what we have to offer.
School Zones
2013-2014 Achievement Contract
This year’s Achievement Contract for School District 60 includes two specific goals:
Goal #1 – Social Responsibility – Citizenry – “Best FOR the World”
Goal #2 –2013-2014 District Literacy Plan
The 2013-2014 District Literacy Plan is available below as a PDF
SD60 District Literacy Plan 2013-14 (PDF)EA Certification Information
School District 60 is currently in the second year of a three year transition towards post-secondary certification for our Educational Assistants. Below are PDF documents with information regarding the transition to certification for our EAs.
Have a Great Summer!
School District 60 would like to congratulate all of our grads who have walked the stage with dignity and grace this year. As well we would like to offer congratulations to all of our students and staff who will continue with us on their learning journey.
Thank you to Imperial Oil – Clearview Internet Upgrade
Thank you to Imperial Oil for their donation to help cover the one time cost on the fibre optic Internet connection upgrade to Clearview Elementary –
NBCDES Open House – June 18
On Tuesday, June 18th the Northern BC Distance Education School is hosting an open house from 2.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Come check out what we have to offer.