Wonowon School will be closed today, Friday, May 6th due to a wildfire caused power outage.
District News
Healthy Living and Smoking Regulations
The following letter will be sent home to students in grade 6, 7, and 8.
Healthy Living and Smoking Regulations (PDF)Power Restored to Wonowon – School to Reopen Thursday
Power has been restored to Wonowon School.
Wonowon School will reopen on Thursday, April 21, 2016 provided power continues to be available.Wonowon School Closed due to Power Outage – Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Wonowon school does not have power as of 8:40am and will remain closed Wednesday, April 20, 2016.
School Status Update – Wednesday 6am – April 20, 2016
Power and regular services have been restore to all schools except Wonowon as of 6:00am. The District is waiting to hear from BC Hydro as to an estimated time for restoration of service at Wonowon.
School Status for Wednesday
8:30pm Tuesday, April 19, 2016 – School District network tools show that power has been restored to Prespatou, Buick Creek, and Upper Pine Schools. Power has not been restored at this point to Upper Halfway or Wonowon Schools.
Road Connections to Taylor Closed – April 19
As per DriveBC and FSJ RCMP the road to Taylor has been closed from both sides of the community. District office has contacted schools with students who have Taylor listed as a physical address.
Upper Halfway School Closed due to Power Outage – April 19, 2016
Due to damage of transmission lines Upper Halfway School is without power. The school will be without light or water until power is restored and it has been decided to close the school Tuesday,
Upper Pine Closed due to Power Outage – April 19, 2016
Due to damage of transmission lines Upper Pine School is without power. The school will be without light or water until power is restored and it has been decided to close the school Tuesday,
Wonowon School Closed Due to Power Outage – Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Due to damage of transmission lines Wonowon Elementary School is without power. The school will be without light or water until power is restored and it has been decided to close the school Tuesday,