The 2016/2017 District Calendar has been amended to include a new Non-Instructional Day on Monday, January 30, 2017 for the New Provincial Curriculum.
An updated calendar is available at
District News
Transportation Registration
The following two linked documents will be sent home to students who take or would like to take the bus in the fall.
Registration for busing is due by July 13,Ministry of Education Releases Info on Future Grad Program
Today the Ministry of Education has released information on the future graduation program. SD60 Staff will be looking closely at the changes in the coming days and weeks.
2016-2017 Board Meetings, Minutes & Docs
The Public Board Meeting calendar for 2016-2017 is now available at
Further this site included meeting minutes and public Board documents.Buick Creek Elementary Open Thursday, May 19, 2016
Buick Creek Elementary will reopen Thursday, May 19, 2016.
Charity Musical Cafe and Artisan Silent Auction
The staff of Dr. Kearney Middle School will be hosting the First Annual Charity Musical Cafe and Artisan Silent Auction in memory of friend and colleague Rebecca Young who passed away at the beginning of this school year.
Buick Creek Elementary Closed – May 17, 2016
Buick Creek Elementary School will be closed, Tuesday, May 17, 2016 due to a wildfire related Evacuation Order from the Peace River Regional District .
Make Every Stop a Safe Stop
The Ministry of Transportation announced today that the fine for failing to stop for a school bus with flashing lights will more than double.
Provincial Press Release –May 13 and 16th NID
Reminder to parents that Friday, May 13th, 2016 and Monday, May 16, 2016 are Non-Instructional Days.
Calendars are available at Secure Kids
Several of our Elementary Schools, Ecole Central, Duncan Cran, and Robert Ogilvie, are participating in a food security programme with the Northern Environmental Action Team. Students are learning about growing food,