“School District 60 administration was back at work this week to develop our startup plans for September. We will be ready and are looking forward to seeing students!
District News
September 2020 Planning
As announced by the Minister of Education July 29, 2020, School District 60 looks forward to welcoming all students K-12 this September. As noted by the Public Health Office,
Board Office Summer Closure – July 20th through to August 21st.
The school board office will be closed this summer on July 20, 2020 through to August 21, 2020.
School offices are closed for the summer and re-open one week prior to the first day of school.June 25, 2020 Letter from Minister of Education and BCCPAC
The Minister of Education and President of the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Council has published the following letter.
Northern Health Survey – Child and Youth Mental Health
On behalf of Dr. Jong Kim, Interim Chief Medical Health Officer
We are undertaking a large needs analysis to set a course for joint action to improve care and outcomes for child &School Project Guidelines for Parent Advisory Councils
A handbook has been created to provide guidelines for school site improvement projects. The purpose of these guidelines is to offer Administrators, Facilities and PAC’s a handbook to help clarify the process and involvement that is required to undertake a project for their school both for a minor project like garden beds to a major project like installing playground equipment.
Press Release – Local Education Agreements to be Signed
Press Release
June 18th, 2020
—– The Board of Trustees, School District 60 Peace River North, is pleased to announce the official signing of Local Education Agreements with Doig River First Nations and Halfway River First Nation.2020-2021 Annual Budget
School District 60 works within a $70M annual budget to provide K-12 public education to the communities within the 94,000 square kilometers of the Peace River North district catchment including Fort St John,
2020 World Fair
Join us as School District 60 and the City of Fort St John celebrate the diversity and culture of our community. This year our World Fair was held online and is available for viewing on our Youtube channel!
TTOC Line 250-262-6023
The Temporary Teacher On-Call (TTOC) Line (Available workdays from 7am – 1pm) can be reached at
For schools using EasyConnect login here.