Take time through this Remembrance Week to remember our Veterans as well as Canadian Forces personnel who serve today in many parts of our world. Many have given their lives in the service of our nation and our people.
District News
Thank You to the FSJ Firefighters Charitable Society
We’d like to thank the Fort St John Firefighters Charitable Association and their sponsors for their contribution to our breakfast program! Over a 14 day campaign the raised over $12,000.
Free Parenting Seminars
School District 60 is proud to support monthly on-line parenting seminars. Please see the poster below for more details.
AHCOTE Information Sessions – Become a certified teacher without leaving northern BC!
There are two upcoming information sessions coming up about the Alaska Highway Consortium on Teacher Education (AHCOTE). See the poster below for more information.
Meet Cameron Lake!
Through the year we plan on featuring places, people, and programs in SD60. We are starting off with a feature of the Cameron Lake Outdoor Education Centre.
Vaping Prevention Resources
As part of the Province’s ongoing work to combat the surge in youth vaping, the Youth Advisory Council for Anti-Vaping and the Minister of Health created the BC Lung Toolkit with new classroom presentations for Grades 5-7 and 8-10,
Ventilation Information by School
Ventilation system information by school can be found at the link below
The following is a summary of the status of the overall district ventilation systems.Seamless Day Kindergarten Pilot at Taylor Elementary
We are happy to announce that School District 60 and Taylor Elementary School have been included in a Seamless Day Kindergarten pilot program that was announced today by the Ministry of Education.
Board Meeting – Oct 18, 2021
Due to the latest PHO regulations for the north, in person attendance for the public at the board meeting will not be possible tonight. Instead the following zoom link is available below.
Draft K-12 Student Reporting Policy – Opportunity for Feedback
The Province of British Columbia has posted a draft K-12 Student Reporting Policy and is asking for your feedback. The reporting policy provides school districts and schools a framework for how we formally communicate student learning.